Artist Statement 

I alternate areas that are open with those of pigments, pours and brush marks in my abstract paintings. This happens in varying scales and takes place across support breadths. Rifts emerge as I work. The pieces might be loose or taut in areas. Elements are either inside edges of paintings or partially off them. A dual focus of what is within pieces and outside them emerges. Tensions between infinity and immediacy also arise.

My tools are traditional drawing and painting. Embedded marks have origins in earlier mosaic study. Incisive lines are longings for past intaglio printmaking. Diagrammatic marks inspired by home economic sewing patterns are used to make areas of a work taut. Sensibilities can reflect early years in the South and Midwest, where white daylight forcefully burst through hanging Spanish moss in North Florida. Missouri or Iowa mist and humidity later enveloped and pressed against one while it was at the same time, dissonant with expanses of ground over which it hovered. All of this, past and present, is foundational to current work in my studio on the Lower East Side.